DMBC Students

DMBC Students


DMBC Students’s mission is to make 7-12th grade disciples who make disciples that behold the glory of the Father, delight in the Spirit-inspired Word, and trust in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.


Our Goals:

  • To saturate students’ lives with the truths of Scripture through preaching, teaching and discipleship.
  • To create an environment where students can experience community and fall in love with the Church.
  • To expand the Kingdom of God through outreach and evangelism.

DMBC STUDENTS – Wednesday nights at 6:00pm in the Youth Center


DMBC Students is our main event that meets every Wednesday night in the Youth Center at 6:00pm. We meet for a time of worship led by our student band, pray together in small groups, and then have a message shared from the Bible every week! It lasts one hour. Afterwards, we have a free meal and hang time in the gym until 8:30pm. This is an excellent time to grow in your faith, meet new friends, and have a lot of fun!



SUNDAY MORNING LIFEGROUPS – 9:15am in Youth Center


On Sunday mornings at 9:15 in our Youth Center in the lower lot, we meet for our weekly Lifegroups. We meet all together for a free breakfast, and then we break into two classes: a boy class and a girl class. These classes are an opportunity to be transformed by the Word of God by walking through the Bible book by book.